November 30 - December 1
EPFL, Switzerland

Sign up here for the latest announcements!

We also organize tech talks, whose past material is here.

Follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, GitHub, YouTube, or join our Discord!

LauzHack is a student-run hackathon at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Hackathons are creativity and prototyping marathons, in which you “hack” a demo of your cool idea to show its potential.
No need to be a programming master, only to be able to glue together existing libraries and interfaces to create your demo as a team.

Come have fun, meet new friends, and maybe even win prizes during an amazing weekend!

Please keep in mind our rules.

Check out the past editions: 2016 2017 2018 2019 COVID19 2020 2022 2023

Tentative Schedule


8:00-9:30Registration and breakfast
10:00-10:15Opening ceremony
10:20-11:40Tech talks
11:40-12:00Team building
12:00Hacking starts


0:00-1:00Midnight snack
12:00Hacking ends
15:00-17:00Closing ceremony
17:00-19:00Closing apéro


Can I participate?

You must be at least 18 years old and a student, including apprentices and PhD students, or have graduated in the past 24 months.

How much does it cost?

Thanks to our sponsors, attendance is free.

Where is it?

LauzHack will take place in EPFL’s Lausanne campus, bordering Lake Geneva. You can find directions here.

What should I bring?

Your laptop and charger, toiletrie and an ID such as a passport or ID card.

Where will I sleep?

We have limited space in a separate sleeping area, as well as showers. Please bring a sleeping bag if you’d like to use it. If you would like to use it on the Friday-Saturday night, please contact us.

Will my travel be reimbursed?

We will reimburse up to TBA CHF if you come from outside of Switzerland, and up to TBA CHF if you come from within Switzerland outside of the Lausanne area, in cash upon presentation of receipts at the end of the event.
This includes the return trip, and a hotel stay if you cannot travel back on Sunday.

What if I'm alone?

You don’t need one to apply! Part of the fun of a hackathon is meeting new people.
There will be time at the beginning of the event to socialize and form teams.

What if I only know a little programming?

That’s fine! Hackathons are about writing basic code that glues together existing modules, such as libraries and online APIs, to show the potential of your idea.

One of my friends can't make it...

Don’t worry, you can recruit new teammates during the event. For fairness reasons, we cannot allow changes to group compositions after registrations have closed.

What about intellectual property?

We do not claim any rights on any of your intellectual property whatsoever.
Everything you create, at LauzHack or not, belongs to you.

I have another question...

Contact us by email (lauzhack at epfl dot ch), or on Discord!

Interested in sponsoring us? Check out our prospectus for hackathon sponsoring and tech talk sponsoring.

Partners and Sponsors


LauzHack 2024 is organized by the LauzHack Association, whose legal documents can be viewed here.